Thursday, May 17, 2007


Alright, the first and most popular question I seem to be getting is a two parter followed by a "who cares about that?"

The question is why are you wasting your time writing about micro limits and what exactly are micro-limits. First, I don't consider this a waste of time. It helps me feel like I am giving something back after getting so much free advice and enjoyment from reading other sites/blogs (Tao of poker and Life of Riley especially). Writing about it helps me clarify my own thoughts about how I play, why I play, and should I do something else instead. Writing about it also helps me record exactly how much this distraction is costing me and why (I don't win, but I believe the reason being (1) I play too many hands, (2) I drink when I play, (3) I am not as good as I think, and (4) the competition is different/better than the home games I win at).

I define micro-limits as less than $3/$6 limit ring games, $100 buy in NL games, $20+ SNGs, $10+ MTTs. Now, I have and will continue to take occasional shots at higher limits when feeling good or coming off a big win, but I don't stay at those higher limits for more than one 4-hour session. How high depends on the current bankroll and how much I have had to drink. I have played the $100+9 SNGs and $3/$6 NLHE tables, but not often.

I tend to stay at the lower limits because I love to play, know I play bad and lose, and don't want this 'hobby' to cost so much money I stop playing. Trust me when I tell you that I take the $1.10 SNG just as serious as I do the $20 SNG. Why? I am not jaded yet like some and, for me, its not about the money, its about winning or as is the case more often than not - losing.

No action to report because I spent the night watching Russo blab her head off on Poker after Dark (couple of tivo'ed shows) and those crazy crabbers on Deadliest Catch.

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