Friday, June 6, 2008

Some funny chat, i am "yours truly"

Dealer: SkipDaddy wins the pot (435)
SkipDaddy: god bless the chasers
Dealer: SkipDaddy wins the high pot (280) with two
pair, Aces and Sixes
Dealer: judijudi wins the low pot (280) with 6,5,3,2,A
SkipDaddy: i saw a 3 way split of low comin
SkipDaddy: see
SkipDaddy: or not
Dealer: Beckyr71969 wins the high pot (660) with a
straight, Seven high
Dealer: judijudi ties for the low pot (330) with
Dealer: SkipDaddy ties for the low pot (330) with
SkipDaddy: why no raise on the turn becky?
SkipDaddy: or didn't ya know ya had da nuts at that
Dealer: yours truly shows a straight, Nine high, for
Dealer: SkipDaddy shows Jack Nine high, for high
Dealer: SkipDaddy shows 8,7,5,3,2, for low
Dealer: yours truly wins the high pot (955) with a
straight, Nine high
Dealer: SkipDaddy wins the low pot (955) with
yours truly: i am better than becky, skipdaddy
SkipDaddy: noted
Dealer: PeteVee shows a full house, Fours full of
Dealer: PeteVee wins the side pot (800) with a full
house, Fours full of Aces
Dealer: yours truly shows a full house, Fours full of
Dealer: PeteVee ties for the main pot (615) with a
full house, Fours full of Aces
Dealer: yours truly ties for the main pot (615) with a
full house, Fours full of Aces
yours truly: i am better than skipdaddy, note that
SkipDaddy: yeah, you got that one
PeteVee: everyone is
SkipDaddy: true dat, nitch
SkipDaddy: &!&#&
PeteVee: j/k
SkipDaddy: f/u
PeteVee: v/m
SkipDaddy: man I suk
yours truly: noted
SkipDaddy: can't believe I will chase here
yours truly: you cant stop yourself donk
SkipDaddy: indeed, I can't
SkipDaddy: it's the vodka talkin
yours truly: friendly jest to make you see your errors
SkipDaddy: oh sorry, I meant to just say f/u
SkipDaddy: not so friendly jest to make you see
your ar e dik
SkipDaddy: come on villian, you had it
SkipDaddy: it was yours for the takin
infocline: if he bets i think about folding
yours truly: he hate me
SkipDaddy: we'll miss your witty banter villain
SkipDaddy: and yer snappy pirate garb
microvillain: i am still better than becky, give me at
least that one
infocline: no
yours truly: ouch
SkipDaddy: more aggressive doesn't mean better,
but sure, we will throw you a bone
yours truly: ty
Dealer: yours truly wins the pot (545) with 8,4,3,2,A
yours truly: now that wasnt so hard was it?
yours truly: i will admit that that one was horrible
Dealer: cartania finishes in 7th place
yours truly: i am better than that guy
yours truly: probably going to cash too